Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® Program
This four-day course prepares teachers to help students develop phonemic awareness for reading and spelling using the Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® (LiPS®) Program for reading, spelling, and speech methodology and materials.
Phonemic awareness, the ability to judge speech sounds within words, underlies decoding and spelling. In this course, participants will learn how speech sounds are articulated and will use this knowledge to identify and sequence sounds within single syllables. Gradually, students will apply this learning to multisyllable words, contextual reading, and spelling. Participants will gain knowledge of current research in phonemic awareness and reading development and become familiar with assessment instruments, including the Lindamood® Auditory Conceptualization (LAC-3) Test.
Participants may take this course for two graduate credits through Fitchburg State University. An additional fee of $255, payable through the instructor, will apply.
36 PDPs, 2.4 IACET CEUs
The Commonwealth Learning Center is an independent, non-profit teaching facility and is not affiliated with Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes, Pat Lindamood, Phyllis Lindamood, or Nanci Bell.
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