“An amazing two-year journey. I am a better teacher and person because of your guidance, expertise, encouragement, infinite patience and boundless wisdom. The Head of School commented that I must be feeling very accomplished now that I have completed my practicum. To be honest, I feel more informed than accomplished, along with a little bit sad. You have made an immeasurable impact on my teaching and I will be forever grateful.”
“I can’t speak highly enough about Shadi, our V&V instructor. She was amazingly enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the content. She presented the material with confidence stemming from her many years of experience. I loved the way she ran the class, allowing plenty of time for practice, questions, examples, videos, sharing with other participants, etc. It was one of the best PDs I’ve been to in quite some time. Thank you.”
“I am so excited to implement what I learned into my daily curriculum! This course completely changed my reading instruction for the better.”
“Adding imagery will aid in increasing my students’ comprehension and language skills. I will incorporate visualizing strategies into my lessons with students through our school’s RtI model.”
“This course was very informative and helpful. The presenter was knowledgeable and excited about her work.”
“This course was more than I ever expected. I will use these multisensory strategies and interventions to help so many students!”
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